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For all Streaming Boxes in Audi A3 8P (08/09) with radio Concert 3 - retrofit Bluetooth and USB interface here

These instructions describe an example of how you can install a USB stick and Bluetooth adapter in an Audi A3 8P. With this box you can play USB sticks on your radio as well as make calls and stream music via Bluetooth. You can retrofit all Streaming Boxes in a comparable way.

A Concert 3 radio is used in this example. These instructions can also serve as a template for retrofitting other radio models, e.g. Chorus 3, Navi Plus RNS-E, Symphony 3, Symphony 4, BNS 5.0, etc.

ATTENTION: Before installing the radio, please test all functions of the interface / streaming box. If everything works, you can go to complete the assembly.

These installation example instructions are only intended as a model for the installation mentioned. In principle, no liability is accepted.

Errors or problems of any kind cannot be ruled out. We are happy to be at your disposal during the installation. faq@usb-nachruesten.de