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Seat Radio Media System / Media System Plus

Car radio Seat Media System / Media System Plus

Directly to the compatible products


Do you have a Seat radio Media System / Media System Plus? With us you can retrofit Digital radio DAB+.

Our products are compatible with the following variants:

  • MIB 1
  • MIB 2
  • MIB 2.5

You can connect additional interfaces to these systems using CAN-Bus and upgrade your existing system with additional functions.

These include

  • Musik vom USB-Stick Digital Radio DAB+

This factory-installed radio is model Seat Medis System / Media System Plus is fastened with screws. TORX T20 screws are usually used as screws. The screws are located under panels which can be removed quickly and without damage using the tools offered in our shop. It is with a Media-In interface (MDI technology).

A Quadlock slot is used. The slot for the Interface is the whole Quadlock slot.

Auto Radio Seat Media System / Media System Plus backside

Everything is described in detail in the installtion guide, so that assembly is not complicated.

Special features of this radio model: Not all radio models are compatible.

VW Composition Media Kompatibel


This radio was installed in the following vehicles, among others:

  • Seat Arona ab 2018
  • Seat Ateca ab 2016
  • Seat Ibiza ab 2016
  • Seat Leon ab 2013
  • Seat Toledo ab 2016
  • and many more

You can find the compatible products here:

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